’90s Lunchbox Staple: Snapple
Your drink choices at the school cafeteria were super important in the ’90s, and one of our favorite fancy options was Snapple.
Your drink choices at the school cafeteria were super important in the ’90s, and one of our favorite fancy options was Snapple.
Was there anything more fun than unrolling a Fruit by the Foot in the ’90s? Doubtful.
If you had one of your own individual-sized Sunny Delight’s in your lunchbox in the ’90s, you were super hip.
If you wanted to be, like, ultra cool in the school cafeteria, there was nothing more impressive you could pull out of your lunchbox than the carbonated classic Clearly Canadian.
No packed lunch was complete without a drink to accompany your food, and no drink was more ubiquitous in the ’90s than the Capri-Sun.
Was there anything more fun than pulling Lunchables out in the cafeteria in elementary school? We think not.
Your lunchtime bartering power rose to the top when you had a packet of Gushers in your lunchbox. What made them so special?
It’s time to talk about one of the most coveted of school lunchbox snacks: Dunkaroos!